Here are 43 Auckland Council Practice & Guidance Notes - Complete List
The Auckland Design Manual (ADM) website is down, and this means no more external access to Auckland Council’s Practice and Guidance for Resource Consents.
Thankfully, we’ve compiled these practice notes over time, and have uploaded them all to our website for reference.
Once the ADM website is back in action, we will reset and link back to the official guides, as they do get updated without notice at times.
If anyone can think of a better way to display these, please let us know in the comments section at the bottom of this post.
Tip: To quickly find a PGN on this page, press Ctrl-F on your keyboard (if using a desktop or laptop computer) or use the search function on your mobile browser, and search for a key term, e.g. “Dwellings”.

Daniel can often be found in airport lounges when travelling with a coffee and something sweet.