PC78 Learning Summary - Combined Wastewater Network Control Area

Wastewater manhole in a concrete area

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1. Introduction

This is a learning summary guide designed to assist with understanding the changes proposed under Auckland Unitary Plan PC78: Intensification.

2. What is a combined sewer network?

A combined network is where the same pipe carries wastewater and stormwater together.[1] These network are located in older parts of the central city, and are gradually being replaced to avoid wet weather overflows.

The diagram below shows why separated networks prevent overflow of wastewater into Auckland’s waterways during wet weather:

Combined Sewer Diagram

[1] See definition of ‘Combined sewer network’ in Chapter J1

3. Proposed Infrastructure – Combined Wastewater Network Control Area

  • Plan Changes 78 proposes a new control area to restrict development in areas served by a combined sewer network. This control will affect development in the following residential zones:

    • H3A Residential – Low Density Residential Zone

    • H5 Residential – Mixed Housing Urban Zone

    • H6 Residential – Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings Zone

  • This new area is proposed as a qualifying matter under section 77I(j) of the RMA.

  • New dwellings in these zones would be required to comply with a proposed standard that requires connection to a separated public stormwater network.

  • If a new dwelling cannot connect to a separated local stormwater pipe that is part of the public stormwater network, this would require resource consent as a restricted discretionary activity under AUP rule C1.9(2).

  • A new restricted discretionary activity rule is proposed in Chapter E38 – Urban for subdivision within the control area. Proposed standard E38.5.2.8 would require that any application for subdivision within the control area is accompanied by a technical report demonstrating that infrastructure and servicing can be achieved. The proposed policy at E38.3(31) would require that subdivision in the control area is avoided if servicing with sufficient capacity is not available.

4. Where can I find where this proposed control area is located?

  • Visit the Plan Change 78 map viewer and select the ‘Infrastructure – Combined Wastewater Network Control’ spatially identified qualifying matter. We suggest turning off all other layers, so the sites that are subject to this proposed control are clearly visible:

PC78 Map Viewer Combined Network

5. Summary

  • Plan Change 78 proposes a new control area to restrict dwellings and subdivision where a connection to a separated public stormwater network is not yet available.

  • This proposed control area will restrict any increase in density, i.e., will apply to all new dwellings, no matter the number. It will also impose new requirements on subdivision.

  • The proposed control area would require a plan change to remove from a specific site. The proposed new zone standards however ensure that if a separated public stormwater network can be connected to, then the control no longer has any effect.

Daniel Kinnoch

Daniel can often be found in airport lounges when travelling with a coffee and something sweet.


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