Ramp Gradient Calculator

This calculator is designed to help assess whether a proposal for a ramp complies with Auckland Unitary Plan Standard E27.6.4.4(2). The standard requires that the change in gradient of a ramp does not exceed 1 in 8 (12.5%) at the summit or 1 in 6.7 (15%) at a sag. This calculator will determine if the proposal complies with the standard and provide a detailed output of the change in gradient at the sag and summit.

To use the calculator, simply enter the gradient of the driveway or ramp before the sag, the ramp gradient, and gradient after the summit as a ratio (e.g., "1:10"). Then, click the "Calculate Compliance" button. The calculator will automatically determine the change in gradient as a percentage.

The calculator will then tell you whether your proposal complies with Standard E27.6.4.4(2), as well as the change in gradient at the sag and summit, if applicable. The compliance result will be displayed in green if the proposal complies, or red if it does not.

We hope this calculator will help you with determining whether your driveway or ramp needs transition sections, to help avoid vehicles bottoming out.

If you only know the grades of the ramp in either degrees or percentage, make sure to use our ratio convertor tool first.

E27.6.4.4. Gradient of vehicle access Images from Auckland Unitary Plan